Thursday, May 14, 2020
Organizational Behavior Term Paper - 2366 Words
Running Head: Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior Name University Course Tutor Date Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Problem statement 5 Analysis 5 Ways of promoting creativity in the workplace 5 Importance of creativity in the work place 9 Suggestions and recommendations 10 Conclusion 11 References 12 Abstract Creativity in the work place is an important aspect as it contributes to increased productivity and economic growth in the organization. Organizations are therefore struggling to promote this creativity especially among their employees. Competition in the market is high especially with advanced levels of technologies that are making organizations to provide high quality products and†¦show more content†¦Also there is need to maintain sufficient pragmatism to achieve practical goals as discussed in the following two parts of analysis: Ways of promoting creativity in the workplace Establishing an environment that encourages creativity will help the organization to achieve the desired creativity. Managers allowing the employees to take risks rather than creating negativity to their views allows them to give their ideas freely. Managers should not look for perfect solutions all the time; this is because creativity is tied to failure and that creative people are productive people. The more ideas employees are allowed to come up with, the more innovative they become hence promoting the creativity culture in the organization. Continuous innovation means that organizations need to be able to effectively manage their creative processes to ensure their innovation process has plentiful supply of good ideas and solutions (Robbins, 2009). An organization will only be creative when it encourages learning. Education and arrangements for continuous learning at the work place leads to organizational creativity. Organizations need to encourage studying and testing learning tasks as this will help the employees and the entire organization to understand creativity and its importance and therefore ready to implement it in their operations. Through this learning process, the employees will come up with business designs that willShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Definition Of Organizational Behavior Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract This paper will outline my personal definition of â€Å"organizational behavior†and how it affects the workplace in a both positive and negative way. 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