Monday, May 25, 2020
Popular French Acronyms and Abbreviations
Lost in alphabet soup? Acronyms and abbreviations abound in French, especially in newspapers, on the news, and in political discussions. You might not be able to learn every French abbreviation and acronym, but you can get a good head start by memorizing this list of the most common ones. The ~ symbol indicates that the English equivalent is an approximation. AB agriculture biologique organic farming ADN acide dà ©soxyribonuclà ©ique DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) AEF Afrique à ©quatoriale franà §aise French Equatorial Africa AF allocations familiales ~ welfare, family allowance ALENA Accord de libre-à ©change nord-amà ©ricain NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) ANAEM Agence Nationale d'Accueil des Ãâ°trangers et des Migrations "National Agency for the Reception of Foreigners and Migration" ANPE Agence nationale pour l'emploi unemployment and job search agency AOC Appelation d'origine contrà ´là ©e guarantee of origin AOF Afrique occidentale franà §aise French West Africa API Alphabet phonà ©tique international IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) AR accusà ©/avis de rà ©ception return receipt requested, acknowledgement of receipt A.R. aller-retour round trip ASSEDIC Association pour l'emploi dans l'industrie et le commerce ~ agency for payment of unemployment BCBG bon chic bon genre preppy, Sloaney BD bande dessinà ©e comic strip BN Bibliothà ¨que nationale national library BNP Banque nationale de Paris large French bank BP boà ®te postale post office box BTP bà ¢timents et travaux publics public buildings and works sector BTS brevet de technicien supà ©rieur vocational training certificate bx bisous (at the end of a letter) ~hugs and kisses c-à -d,cà d c'est-à -dire that is, i.e., I mean CAI Contrat d'Accueil et d'Intà ©gration agreement required of long-term visitors and residents of France CAP Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle required for employees who do not have a college degree CB carte bleue, carte bancaire debit card CCI Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Chamber of Commerce CCP compte chà ¨que postal postal checking account CDD contrat à durà ©e dà ©terminà ©e job contract for a set duration CDI contrat à durà ©e indà ©terminà ©e job contract for an indefinite duration CEDEX courrier d'entreprise à distribution exceptionnelle ~ FedEx (early morning delivery service) CFA Communautà © financià ¨re africaine Community of French colonies in Africa which use a single monetary unit called the CFA franc CFP centre de formation professionnelle professional training center CGT Confà ©dà ©ration Gà ©nà ©rale de Travail ~ AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations) Cie compagnie Co. (company) CIO Centre d'information et d'orientation career advisory center CNED Centre national d'enseignement à distance Number one distance learning organization in Europe CNR Centre national de recherche National research institute COB Commission des opà ©rations de Bourse stock exchange regulatory commission: ~ SEC (US), ~SIB (UK) COD complà ©ment objet direct direct object pronoun COI complà ©ment objet indirect indirect object pronoun CP cours prà ©paratoire ~ first grade CPE Contrat Premià ¨re Embauche controversial job reform provision introduced in 2006 CRS Compagnie rà ©publicaine de sà ©curità © riot police squad CSA Conseil supà ©rieur de l'audiovisuel French broadcasting regulatory body, ~FCC CUIO Cellule Universitaire d'Information et d'Orientation organization of university-level study and career counselors CV curriculum vitae ~ rà ©sumà © DAB distributeur automatique de billets cash dispenser (ATM limited to withdrawals) DALF diplà ´me approfondi de langue franà §aise ~ TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) DEA diplà ´me d'à ©tudes approfondies ~ PhD minus the dissertation DELF diplà ´me d'à ©tudes en langue franà §aise ~ TOEFL DES diplà ´me d'à ©tudes supà ©rieures ~ Master's degree DESS diplà ´me d'à ©tudes supà ©rieures spà ©cialisà ©es ~ Master's degree + one year internship DEST diplà ´me d'à ©tudes supà ©rieures techniques ~ Master's degree in technical subject DEUG diplà ´me d'à ©tudes universitaires gà ©nà ©rales ~ Associate degree DGSE Direction gà ©nà ©rale de la sà ©curità © extà ©rieure ~ CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), MI6 (Military Intelligence 6) DILF diplà ´me initial de langue franà §aise ~ TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) DK dà ©ca (apocope of dà ©cafà ©inà ©) decaf (decaffeinated) DOM-TOM Dà ©partements d'outre-mer et Territoires d'outre-mer former colonies which remain French territories DSK Dominique Strauss-Kahn French politician accused of sexual assault in 2011 DST Direction de la surveillance du territoire ~ CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), MI5 (Military Intelligence 5) DT diphtà ©rie, tà ©tanos vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus EDF Ãâ°lectricità © de France nationalized French electric company Ãâ°.-U.Ãâ°.-U.A. Ãâ°tats-UnisÃâ°tats-Unis d'Amà ©rique US (United States)USA (United States of America) FLN Front de libà ©ration nationale Algerian political party FLQ Front de la libà ©ration du Quà ©bec Revolutionary organization in Canada which resulted in the "FLQ crisis" of 1970. FN Front National Far right political party (Jean-Marie Le Pen) FNAC Fà ©dà ©ration nationale d'achats des cadres ~ Borders (megastore for books, music, movies, + electronics) .fr (pronounced point f r) internet country code for France GAB guichet automatique de banque ATM (automated teller machine) GDF Gaz de France nationalized French gas company GE Gentil Employà ©e (au Club Mà ©diterranà ©e) Club Med employee G.I.G.-G.I.C. grand invalide de guerre -grand invalide civile severely disabled veteran - severely disabled person (found on handicapped parking signs) GM Gentil Membre (au Club Mà ©diterranà ©e) Club Med member/guest Go giga octet GB (gigabyte) GO Gentil Organisateur (au Club Mà ©diterranà ©e) Club Med organizer h heure (telling time) o'clock Hadopi Haute Autorità © pour la diffusion des Ã
âuvres et la protection des droits sur Internet Anti-piracy policing authority HLM Habitation à loyer moderà © low-income housing HS hors service out of order HT hors taxe tax not included, subtotal Ifop Institut franà §ais d'opinion publique French public opinion research institute INSEE Institut National de la Statistique et des Ãâ°tudes Ãâ°conomiques national institute for statistics and economic studies IQF Invitation à Quitter le Territoire order to a foreigner to leave France IVG interruption volontaire de grossesse abortion Jour J literally D-Day (6 June 1944), but can be used figuratively to mean "the big day" K7 cassette audio or video cassette - used in ads LCR Ligue Communiste Rà ©volutionnaire Trotskyist political party in France LEP lycà ©e d'enseignement professionnel vocational high school LlH Longueur, largeur, Hauteur lwh - length, width, height LO Lutte Ouvrià ¨re Trotskyist political party in France LOA location avec option d'achat leasing with the option to buy MEDEF Mouvement des Entreprises de France largest French job union MJC Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture Youth cultural center MLF Mouvement pour la libà ©ration de la femme French women's lib movement Mo mega octet MB (megabyte) MRAP Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l'amitià © entre les peuples French antiracism movement NAP Neuilly, Auteuil, Passy preppy, Sloany NDLR note de la rà ©daction editor's note NdT note du traducteur translator's note NF norme franà §aise approved French standard of manufacture, ~ seal of approval OGM organisme gà ©nà ©tiquement modifià © GMO (genetically modified organism) OLP Organisation de la libà ©ration de la Palestine PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) ONG organisation non gouvernementale NGO (non-governmental organization) ONU Organisation des Nations unies UN (United Nations) OPA offre publique d'achat takeover bid OS Ouvrier spà ©cialisà © unskilled or semi-skilled worker OVNI Objet volant non identifià © UFO (unidentified flying object) PACS Pacte civil de solidarità © legal alternative to marriage in France, with a provision for same-sex couples PAO publication assistà ©e par ordinateur desktop publishing PC poste de commandement HQ (headquarters) PC(F) Parti communiste (franà §ais) French Communist Party Pcc pour copie conforme certified copy PCV paiement contre và ©rification orpercevoir collect call (French on the phone) PDG prà ©sident-directeur gà ©nà ©ral ~ CEO (chief executive officer) PEE plan d'à ©pargne entreprise ~ 401k (except in France, the company puts in 3x the employee contribution) PEL plan d'à ©pargne logement ~ savings account for purchase of a home PIB produit intà ©rieur brut GDP (gross domestic product) PJ pià ¨ces jointes Enc. (enclosed in a business letter) PJ Police judiciaire ~ FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) PMA pays moins avancà ©s undeveloped countries PMU pari mutuel urbain OTB (off-track betting) PNB produit national brut GNP (gross national product) po pouce in. (inch) PS Parti socialiste Socialist Party; one of the three largest French political parties (Franà §ois Mitterrand, Sà ©golà ¨ne Royal) PT Parti des Travailleurs Trotskyist political party in France PTT Poste, Tà ©là ©communications et Tà ©là ©diffusion post office and telephone service P.-V. procà ¨s-verbal meeting minutesautomotive ticket or fine PVD pays en voie de dà ©veloppement developing countries qcm questionnaire à choix multiple multiple choice test QG quartier gà ©nà ©ral HQ (headquarters), local pub R.A.S. rien à signaler (informal) no problems/issues (e.g., on the condition portion of a car rental contract) RATP Rà ©gie autonome des transports parisiens Paris public transportation authority (mà ©tro and bus) rdc rez-de-chaussà ©e first floor (US), ground floor (UK) RER Rà ©seau express rà ©gional high speed train service between Paris + suburbs RF la Rà ©publique franà §aise the French Republic RIB relevà © d'identità © bancaire summary of bank information (for automatic payments) RMI revenu minimum d'insertion ~ minimum welfare payment, income support RN revenu nationalroute nationale GNP (gross national product)main road RPR Rassemblement pour la Rà ©publique French center-right political party; one of the three largest (Jacques Chirac) RSVP rà ©pondez s'il vous plaà ®t please respond (thus "please RSVP" is redundant) RTT rà ©duction du temps de travail reduction of working hours rv rendez-vous meeting, date SA socià ©tà © anonyme Inc. (incorporated), Ltd. (limited) SAMU secours d'aide mà ©dicale d'urgence ambulance SARL socià ©tà © à responsabilità © limità ©e Inc., Ltd (limited liability company) SDF sans domicile fixe homeless (noun or adjective) Sida syndrome immunodà ©ficitaire acquis AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) SMIC salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance minimum wage SNCF Socià ©tà © nationale des chemins de fer franà §ais nationalized French train system SPA Socià ©tà © protectrice des animaux ~ASPCA (US), ~RSPCA (UK) SRM Socià ©tà © des rà ©dacteurs du Monde Society of Editors of Le Mondenewspaper SVP s'il vous plaà ®t please systà ¨me D le systà ¨me dà ©brouillard, le systà ¨me dà ©merder (informal) resourcefulness TEPA travail, emploi, pouvoir d'achat 2007 French fiscal package TGB Trà ¨s grande bibliothà ¨que nickname of the Bibliothà ¨que de France TGV train à grande vitesse high-speed train TIG travaux d'intà ©rà ªt gà ©nà ©ral community service TNT tà ©là ©vision numà ©rique terrestretrinitrotoluà ¨ne national digital terrestrial television serviceTNT (trinitrotoluene) TPS tà ©là ©vision par satellite TV via satellite TTC toutes taxes comprises tax included TVA taxe sur la valeur ajoutà ©e VAT (value-added tax) UDF Union pour la dà ©mocratie franà §aise center-right French political party; one of the three largest (Franà §ois Beyrou) U.E. Union europà ©enne EU (European Union) U.L.M. ultra-là ©ger motorisà © ultralight (plane) UMP Union pour un Mouvement Populaire center-right French political party UNL Union Nationale Lycà ©enne national union for high school students URSAFF Union pour le recouvrement des cotisations de la sà ©curità © sociale et des allocations famiales Social Security UV unità © de valeur university course credit vf version franà §aise film dubbed into French vm version multilingue film with choice of sound and subtitles vovost version originaleversion originale sous-titrà ©e film shown in its original language with subtitles in French VTT và ©lo tout terrain mountain bike W.-C. water-closet bathroom, restroom (US); toilet, loo (UK) x fois (par exemple, 10x plus) times (for example, 10x more) X l'Ãâ°cole Polytechnique nickname for top polytechnic school in Paris
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Organizational Behavior Term Paper - 2366 Words
Running Head: Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior Name University Course Tutor Date Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Problem statement 5 Analysis 5 Ways of promoting creativity in the workplace 5 Importance of creativity in the work place 9 Suggestions and recommendations 10 Conclusion 11 References 12 Abstract Creativity in the work place is an important aspect as it contributes to increased productivity and economic growth in the organization. Organizations are therefore struggling to promote this creativity especially among their employees. Competition in the market is high especially with advanced levels of technologies that are making organizations to provide high quality products andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Also there is need to maintain sufficient pragmatism to achieve practical goals as discussed in the following two parts of analysis: Ways of promoting creativity in the workplace Establishing an environment that encourages creativity will help the organization to achieve the desired creativity. Managers allowing the employees to take risks rather than creating negativity to their views allows them to give their ideas freely. Managers should not look for perfect solutions all the time; this is because creativity is tied to failure and that creative people are productive people. The more ideas employees are allowed to come up with, the more innovative they become hence promoting the creativity culture in the organization. Continuous innovation means that organizations need to be able to effectively manage their creative processes to ensure their innovation process has plentiful supply of good ideas and solutions (Robbins, 2009). An organization will only be creative when it encourages learning. Education and arrangements for continuous learning at the work place leads to organizational creativity. Organizations need to encourage studying and testing learning tasks as this will help the employees and the entire organization to understand creativity and its importance and therefore ready to implement it in their operations. Through this learning process, the employees will come up with business designs that willShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Definition Of Organizational Behavior Essay1226 Words à |à 5 PagesAbstract This paper will outline my personal definition of ââ¬Å"organizational behaviorâ⬠and how it affects the workplace in a both positive and negative way. 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He gave real lifeRead MorePersonality Analysis and the Study of Organizational Behavior1704 Words à |à 7 Pagestopic of research in the realm of organizational behavior because In order for managers to predict behavior, they must know the personalities of those who work for them, (Personality and Values, n.d.). Personality is also crucial to organizational behavior because the personality of individuals will impact quantitative measures such as productivity. Furthermore, the personality of the people working for an organization serves to shape and determine its organizational cult ure. The workplace environmentRead MoreRole Of Hrm Over The Period Of Time1495 Words à |à 6 PagesGroup, UK. The management initiated for a transformational change within the organization to align all its operations including alignment of human resource functions with the business strategy and objectives. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Death Penalty Should Be Legal - 1457 Words
The death penalty can be traced all the way to biblical times when people were executed for many reasons such as: for not believing in their god(s), choosing to interact in sexual conduct while unmarried, stealing, murder, etc. The methods of execution back in those times were to either: stone, hang, slay, crucify, and burn not only the offender who committed the crime, but if he or she had a family, the entire family was executed with them as a warning to the people of their tribe or city to not commit the same crime. In todayââ¬â¢s time, since most people have found the term ââ¬Å"death penaltyâ⬠offensive, we have moved to calling it ââ¬Å"capital punishmentâ⬠. This punishment today is primarily used for offenders who have committed a first degree murder. Other reasons for this sentence vary from state to state. In Florida, the death penalty may be used for an offender(s) who has committed aggravated sexual battery against a child under the age of twelve with an inj ury. Times have definitely changed for reasons to execute the death penalty against criminal(s) and many people believe that it is morally wrong and that we should just abandon it altogether. However there are some that still believe that we need to keep capital punishment as a means to execute justice upon the guilty and as a warning to other offenders to not commit the same crimes. Should we continue to allow capital punishment in America? How do we know that the offender is guilty ââ¬Å"beyond a reasonable doubtâ⬠? What methodsShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1261 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal The death penalty should not be legal because of two major reasonings. These reasons are, the death penalty takes the lives of many innocent people, and it also costs too much. The death penalty should not be legal because innocent people are wrongly convicted and killed. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, it puts innocent lives at risk. At least 4.1% of all defendants sentenced to death in the United States in the modern era are innocent (DeathRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Legal?985 Words à |à 4 PagesBen Goble Mr. Newman English Comp. November 4, 2015 Should the Death Penalty be Legal? The death penalty, also called capital punishment, has been a topic of debate among the public for many years, gaining very little ground in changing the legality of it one way or the other. The topic is very controversial because many people feel that it is wrong to take the life of another person. On the other hand a very comparable number of people push for the legality of capital punishment for condemningRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1004 Words à |à 5 Pagesabolish death penaltyâ⬠(Bosman). In thirty-one states, federal government and military legal system, the death penalty is lawful. Even the Supreme Court has been changed direction of capital punishment. One day, it could be a legal and illegal by the Supreme Court. Most of European countries ban the death penalty except Belarus that if a criminal involve international terrorism, murdered, inhumane crime and the criminal receives death penalty. Nowadays, banned the death penalty becomeRead MoreDeath Penalty Should Be Legal943 Words à |à 4 PagesDo you think that death penalty will give justice for the innocent lives? The death penalty continues to be an issue of controversy in the whole world because people have different beliefs for giving justice to the innocents. For some people, they want it legal because death penalty will give justice for the innocent victims and a form of vengeance to the criminals. On the flipside, other people donââ¬â¢t agree with it because a lot of innocents are putting into death. These people believe that it isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1573 Words à |à 7 PagesThere are many legal issues that come along with the death penalty. Ratified on December 15, 1791, The United States Bill of Rights states in its eight amendment, ââ¬Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.â⬠(8th Amendment to the Constitutio n). The Supreme Court stated during the 1958 case of Trop v. Dulles, that the 8th amendment must draw its meaning from the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturingRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1555 Words à |à 7 Pageshave on a person? The death penalty, or capital punishment, is one of the most debated topics in America. It has been used for centuries, but many claim it to be barbaric, and want the practice to end all together. The death penalty should only be used in cases where there is absolute evidence that the criminal is guilty, because life in prison can be an alternative, there are many flaws in the justice system, and it can be a cruel and unusual punishment. The death penalty is legal in 32 states, theRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1554 Words à |à 7 Pagesreceive the death penalty. Some say it is what they deserve, while others say that it is a ââ¬Å"cruel and unusualâ⬠punishment. States, such as New Jersey, have already banned the penalty, but some states are still pending on whether to have the penalty or to follow New Jerseyââ¬â¢s path . If you were to go and ask people why they are against the death penalty, they would say it is because it goes against morality, constitutionality, and the irrevocable mistakes of putting the wrong person to death. WhenRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1553 Words à |à 7 Pagescalled problems with our system of justice is the death penalty. Capital punishment in this country seems to have its pros and cons. There are more issues and complications with being sentenced to death, while the positives are minuscule. The death penalty should not be allowed in the United States, and there are many reasons for this argument. The death penalty has caused controversy in the country since it became popular. 31 states use the death penalty and is also used by the military. Its use isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal Essay2884 Words à |à 12 Pagesis the death penalty - should it be legalized across the 50 states or be declared unconstitutional? Some believe the death penalty is a better option for those who deserve the highest form of punishment available. However, others argue capital punishment is a waste of resources and should be brought to an end. Therefore, while many believe the death penalty should be legalized throughout the United States because it offers a higher form of punishment, others believe the death penalty should be repealedRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Legal?1638 Words à |à 7 PagesShould the death penalty be legal or be abolished? Laws and regulations vary from nation to nation. Attitudes towards the capitalism, as well, vary from person to person. The death penalty, it seems, has become more debatable topic than ever. Although some people think capital punishment, just like death penalty, is a inhuman act which against human s rights for life and it is too cruel to give the criminals another chance to live a new life. I suppose capital punishment is still an effective
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Database Design free essay sample
In order for a database to be truly functional, it must not only store large amounts of record, but also be able to access those records fast and efficiently. In addition, new information and changes should also be easy to input. â⬠(tech-faq. com) To be useful over a long term the database should be able to store all the records necessary for the business to function as well as be able to get all of this information back in case of a system failure or a crash. If all the information is loss a business could go bankrupt so the database is a fail safe for all the information the company has. In the case of an Art Museum that tracks all of its artwork, artists, and locations where all their art is displayed or stored within the museum they would defiantly need a database with a failsafe to store all their information. If the Museum for any reason was every hacked and all their information was deleted or corrupted they would need to know where all their art was without having to physically go through every building and relocate each art piece. This is the same with their artist information (phone number, amount owed to the artist, painting the artist gave to the museum, ect). Without the database all of this information could be easily lost or misplaced if it was all stored on a piece of paper like in the older days. Or if the building burnt down they would also lose all this valuable information. When it is stored in a database it can be kept in a separate location and even kept offline to make sure it wasnââ¬â¢t hacked or the information wasnââ¬â¢t manipulated in anyway. The database architecture a set of specific rules, processes, and specifications that dictate how data is accessed by components of the system and how this data is stored in the database. â⬠(wingenious. com) There are three types of architecture that the database can be processed on and that is what tier of architecture the database is. ââ¬Å"Imagine a person on a desktop computer who uses Microsoft Access to load up a list of personal addresses and phone numbers that he or she has saved in MS Windows ââ¬Å"My Documentsâ⬠folder. This is an example of a one-tier database architectureâ⬠(Windowsecutity. com) ââ¬Å"A two tier client/server architecture is one in which a user interacts through a Graphical User Interface to communicate with the database server across a network via Structured Query Langauage. â⬠(Windowsecurity. com) Last is an N-Tier Clinet/Server Architecutre. ââ¬Å"Most n-tier database architectures exist in a three-tier configuration. In this architecture the client server model expands to include a middle tier (business tier) which is an application server that houses the business logic. This middle tier relieves the client application and the database server of some of their processing duties by translating client calls into database queries and translating data from the database into client data in return. â⬠(windowsecurity. com) The one tier is best suited for single users that have a small amount of information to store. It will run on the machine the user is using and will store it on the machines (computer, tablet, cellphone, ect) and has to use a physical resource to access and process this information. If you have multiply users and a small scale of applications you would use the two tier client/server architecture. This would be an example of anyone that uses the internet and access some information off of a server. This information is stored on a server and not on their local machine as in an one tier architecture. For larger scale applications you would have to use a N Tier client/server architecture. An example of this would be a shopping cart on any website that you can order a product off of. ââ¬Å"The user will pick what they want to buy which they do so by interacting with the Graphic User Interface and with the application and the application server. â⬠(exforsys. om) The database the museum would use is a two tier client/server architecture. They could keep all their information on a server and actually use an intranet instead of the internet to locate all the information they need for their everyday use. The challenges would be that the system could be overloaded if too many requests were made at one time. This could be overcome by increasing the bandwidth of the network you are working on though. The other thing that could cause challenges is all the processing is done on a few central computers. The use of this two ier system for the museum would be to have a specific location of each piece of art and where it is located in the museum. They could know where they had all their art located from world renowned artist all the way to the ones they kept from local artist. If they wanted to replace some art they were displaying with art they were storing they could check to see where they were storing the piece easily go and find it and replace it with the one they are displaying. When this is done they could go into the system and replace both art with where they are now stored/displayed at. The scope of the system would be mainly word information, visual information, and numerical information. It would be stored by artist/painting/location for the actual paintings themselves along with the year it was painted and any information associated with the painting. For the artist you would have to display not only textual information, but also numerical information (phone numbers, addresses, ect) so you could contact the artist at any time. The only boundaries to the system would be how large your database was and what the system you were using on this database.
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