Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Movie review 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

1 - Movie Review Example It is a movie about a French criminal Michel who is enamored by the cinematic persona of Humphrey Bogart. He ends up killing a policeman while committing a crime and is shown to be on the run from the police. Per chance he comes across an American girl with whom he falls in love. This youthful American girl Patricia is ambivalent about her feelings of love for Michel though she does her best to help him and make good his escape to Italy. Eventually Patricia gives in to the ambivalence bothering her and betrays Michel to the police, who is shot dead while making an escape. This is a war film that is based on the feeling of camaraderie between groups of French prisoners of war. This film presents the essential humanity in the soldiers affiliated to the warring sides and the cinematic drama in the film ensues from the prisoners of war Marechal and Rosenthal making good their escape from the Germans towards the Swiss border. The romantic drama in the film owes to an affair between a German woman Elsa and Marechal, who is eventually renounced by Marechal to be true to his call of duty. Au Hasard Balthazar is a film showcasing the life of a young farm girl and her donkey. Though the girl and the donkey eventually get separated, the film traces the life of both as they come in contact with different people and suffer abuse and violence at their hands. The donkey is shown to take abuse and violence from his varied owners with a sense of poise and grace, which elevates him to the rank of a saint. In contrast, though the girl also suffers abundant violence and abuse in her life, yet her destiny remains unresolved and chaotic, thereby bringing in a sense of irony into the plot. This is a film that has for its setting a village in the Indian province of Bengal. This film captures the Indian country life in Bengal during the World War II. It showcases the immense human suffering and pain marking the Great Famine of 1943 in the province of Bengal

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